Weekend Scholarship Roundup

  • Anika Liversage and Jesper Petersen argue for the importance of local power structures in supporting Muslim women in terminating a nikāḥ in “Etniske minoritetskvinder og skilsmisse – med fokus på muslimske praksisser” (translated from Danish to English as “Ethnic minority women and divorce – with a focus on muslim practices”). The study was commissioned by the Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration following media reports about the plight of muslim women who divorce according to Danish law, but are unable to have their nikāḥ dissolved. The report is based on interviews with 37 women and 28 professionals with relevant experiences, as well as with 21 Islamic authorities.
  • In “The Corporate Waqf in Law and Practice,” Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern Islamic Law, Aisha Saad outlines the main features of corporate waqf, which hybridizes the Islamic trust (the waqf) and the modern Western corporation to create a charitable endowment whose asset base consists of shares in a company.

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