Field Guide to Digital Islamic Law Resources Roundup

The Field Guide to Digital Islamic Law, in the form of a Google document, is a collection of resource links and annotations to SHARIAsource and other Harvard resources, global online digital resources, and a robust “Digital Islamic Law Collection.” This week we added two exciting resources to this list:

  • Maajim is an Arabic site where one is able to search for a root in Arabic and is given several Arabic lexicons explaining it. It also has several translation dictionaries from Arabic to various languages.
  • The KITAB Project provides a digital tool-box and forum for discussions about Arabic texts. It allows users to explore Arabic texts in innovative ways using data science, such as allowing open search of the entire Arabic OpenITI corpus and giving access to complete texts via GitHub.
  • Alfanous is a Quranic search engine that can search for any word or verse in the Qur’an, allowing two  types of keyword searches. The first is a quick Search with 3 options: “fuzzy search,” “unvocalized text” and “Uthmani script.”.The results return the number of times a word appears in the Qur’an, citations to the chapter and verse, the Arabic text in HTML, a click-through recitation, a transliteration , and a click-through link to  basic information about each verse (such as number of words and letters, period, revelation order, juz).  The second is an advanced search. This search has several options such as advanced query (phrase search, part of other words, all of these words, and, at least one of these words, thematic search, structural search (by verse, sura, juz, etc.), statistical search (number of words and letters in verse, sura, etc.).

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