Data Science Roundup

  • In “Islamic finance in Kazakhstan: the view of experts” (Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, January 12, 2023), Almira Z. Nagimova (Kazan Federal University), “using the qualitative method of in-depth expert interviews with nine Islamic finance professionals representing Islamic banks, ijarah companies, funds and development institutions in Kazakhstan who occupy senior positions (directors, managers, heads of departments, etc.)[,]” “show[s] that first there is a demand for Islamic finance among Kazakh business and population.”
  • In “Islamic Branding: Insights from Strengthening Madrasah Competitiveness in Building Public Trust” (Al-Tanzim 7, no. 1 (2023)), Ghufron Ghufron (Universitas Islam Negeri KH Achmad Siddiq) and others “show that madrasah branding in increasing the competitiveness of its institutions is carried out through continuous planning, implementation and evaluation by involving all madrasah residents to be involved in realizing shared goals by utilizing various available platforms.”

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