By Suleiman Mourad This post is part of the Roundtable on the History of Islamic International Law. It is a summary of Suleiman Mourad's contribution titled "War and Peace in … Continue reading ::Roundtable:: History of Islamic International Law: “War and Peace in the Medieval Islamic World, 622–1453” by Suleiman A. Mourad
Weekend Scholarship Roundup
In "Islamic Studies in Australia’s Higher Education Sector" (The Australian Journal of Islamic Studies 6, no. 2 (2021)), Adis Duderija (Griffith University) and Jessica Mamone (Griffith University) collect any discuss … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup
Contemporary Primary Sources: Open Letter to ISIS from Muslim Scholars
In 2004, 126 Islamic scholars from around the world published an open letter "to the fighters and followers of the self-declared ‘Islamic State,'" rejecting the religious justification for their violence. … Continue reading Contemporary Primary Sources: Open Letter to ISIS from Muslim Scholars
Scholarship in “Plain English”: Joseph Lowry on Law and Commandment in Sūrat al-An‘ām
By Cem Tecimer Abstract: Joseph Lowry on Islamic Legal Minimalism: Lowry, in line with his other work focusing on how the Qur’ān does not read as a detailed legislative text, … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Joseph Lowry on Law and Commandment in Sūrat al-An‘ām
Islamic Law Lexicon :: Qurʾān: the primary Islamic religious text
By Alicia Daniel Citation: Sherman A. Jackson, Kramer versus Kramer in a Tenth/Sixteenth Century Egyptian Court: Post-Formative Jurisprudence between Exigency and Law, Islamic Law and Society 8, no. 1 (2001): … Continue reading Islamic Law Lexicon :: Qurʾān: the primary Islamic religious text