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Conference: “Negotiation in Conquest: Wars, Treaties and Recollections of the Rise of the Caliphate,” Leiden University

Negotiation in Conquest: wars, treaties and recollections of the rise of the caliphate

Thursday 12 September 2019 – Saturday 14 September 2019
Pieterskerkhof 6
2311 SR Leiden

The great conquests of the seventh and eight centuries brought under Arab-Muslim control an area that stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian subcontinent. Military conquests on this scale are remarkable enough; the establishment of a stable empire in the centuries that followed is even more so. How did a military minority succeed in asserting and maintaining durable political dominance over the diverse and dispersed territories of their conquest domains? In short, how was the establishment of the caliphate realised in the aftermath of the conquests?

This conference explores the dynamics of negotiation in the process of conquest and the subsequent building of the caliphate. How did the terms of conquest – the accommodations and agreements made with subjected cities, regions and their representatives – and the ways in which they were re-evaluated in subsequent centuries contribute to the establishment of short and long-term caliphal rule? In other words how were relations between the different stakeholders of the caliphate shaped by the experiences and memories of the negotiated conditions of the conquest?

Read more, at this link.


Please consult the programme for the venues on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September.

Programme, at this link.

Confirmed speakers

Michal Biran Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Phil Booth University of Oxford
Michael Brett SOAS
Jelle Bruning Leiden University
Simon Coupland University of Cambridge
Corisande Fenwick University College London
Tim Greenwood University of St. Andrews
Janneke de Jong Radboud University
Nancy Khalek Brown University
Doug Lee Nottingham University
Milka Levy-Rubin Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ecaterina Lung University of Bucharest
Derryl MacLean Simon Fraser University
Harry Munt University of York
Annliese Nef Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Antonio Panaino University of Bologna
Janina Safran Pennsylvania State University
Mehdy Shaddel Leiden University
Georgios Theotokis Boğaziçi University
Zhan Zhang New York University


Registration for the conference is open. Use the button below to access the registration form.

Register, at this link. 

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