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Humboldt Yale History Travel Grant

Funded by the Anneliese Maier Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and with support from Yale University, the Humboldt Yale History Network aims to assemble and sustain a global research network of historians. To that end, the network will offer a series of travel grants over the coming years. This year the Foundation is pleased to offer up to 10 short-term research grants of between $1,000 and $4,000 to support travel (for up to three months) to or within Europe for research on topics in the following areas: European history, Middle Eastern history, global early modern history, the history of empires, and environmental history. Applications for projects that cut across geographies, chronologies, and methods are encouraged. Priority will be given to those seeking support to visit archives and libraries to further their original research in the stated fields. These grants can support the research of scholars at any stage in their careers past the point of Ph.D. candidacy. These monies are meant to be supplemental grants to bridge funding gaps in ongoing research work. These grants do not represent employment and do not come with health insurance, childcare, social security, visa expenses, or the like. Applications due Aug 1.

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