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SYMPOSIUM: The Legal Basis for Female Clerics among Chinese Muslims”: Interview with Man Ke (Post 5 of 5)

China editor Matthew Erie‘s introduction and summary. For further details, see Erie’s opening post here.:

Man Ke (满珂), a female professor at the Northwest Nationalities University, provides yet another perspective based on both her disciplinary background (anthropology) and her location (Lanzhou). In her untitled piece, Man Ke explains that the different “teaching schools” (jiaopai) and “Sufi solidarities” (menhuan) based in the northwest each have different views about female clerics and female mosques. Thus, doctrine colors views on gender. She interviewed Hui women from a number of different schools to elicit their views about the legality of female clerics and finds a range of views. Among non-Salafis, some respondents are ignorant of female mosques entirely whereas others yearn for such roles. Salafi women, on the other hand, consistently respond that there is no such role as “female cleric,” but only “female teachers,” the difference being that women, as Man Ke’s Salafi interlocutors believe, do not have the authority to lead religious exercises. Man Ke concludes that custom-based gender relations influence such thinking.

满珂, 西北民族大学民族学与社会学学院教授,香港中文大学性别研究/人类学博士)







[1] 俗称“老教”,与清末出现的“新教”(伊赫瓦尼)相对应。20世纪初,中国(也主要在西北地区)又出现了汉学派,即“西道堂”,20世纪30年代,从新教中又分出了“赛勒非耶”,即“三抬教”。

[2] 这也是教派分隔造成的误解,其实,“三抬”教派也没有女阿訇,只有女老师,为女性穆斯林教授汉文、宗教知识和礼拜等;没有女寺,女性也不可以进清真寺大殿,而在女学(通常位于清真寺的一角)中做礼拜。

[3] 新疆维吾尔族、哈萨克族等伊斯兰教信仰者多属逊尼派,没有太多教派分隔。

[4] 即宰牲节。

[5] 即“去世”。

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