Call for Papers: New England Medieval Consortium 2024: “Books and Transgressions,” Boston College, June 15, 2024 (Conference: November 16, 2024)

"This conference will provide an opportunity for medievalists working across a range of disciplines and geographic areas to join in conversation about premodern cultures of the book, boundary- crossing, and the law and other normative cultural expressions."  This year's theme is "transgressions."  "We interpret “transgressions” broadly, including the notions of access, trespass, and desire. Accordingly, … Continue reading Call for Papers: New England Medieval Consortium 2024: “Books and Transgressions,” Boston College, June 15, 2024 (Conference: November 16, 2024)

Call for Applications: Harvard Medieval Studies Undergraduate Research Fellows Program, June 20, 2024

The Committee on Medieval Studies invites applications for its Undergraduate Research Fellows Program, which offers qualified students in Harvard College the opportunity to work closely with scholars across the disciplines on research projects and initiatives. Unlike research assistants in most other departments, Research Fellows are employed directly by the Committee on Medieval Studies, and work … Continue reading Call for Applications: Harvard Medieval Studies Undergraduate Research Fellows Program, June 20, 2024

Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series: Mapping the Past, Imagining the Future: Heritage Politics in Ḥūthī Yemen, June 24, 2024

From Ekaterina Pukhovaia at the Leiden University (see here): Dear colleagues, I am pleased to announce that this spring Leiden University will host the first round of a series of online talks about Yemen. The series, running from January 2024 till June 2025 and sponsored by the Horizon-2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions project EMStaD YEMEN, brings together experts … Continue reading Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series: Mapping the Past, Imagining the Future: Heritage Politics in Ḥūthī Yemen, June 24, 2024

Symposium on Copyright in Islamic Legal Tradition, Istanbul, June 28-29, 2024

From the organizers: As part of the Copyright in Islamic Law Project, we are in the process of arranging a symposium entitled "Symposium on Copyright in Islamic Legal Tradition". The event is scheduled to be held in Istanbul on the dates of June 28-29, 2024. The central objective of this symposium is to convene a diverse … Continue reading Symposium on Copyright in Islamic Legal Tradition, Istanbul, June 28-29, 2024

Workshop: ASLH Early Career Virtual Workshop, June 30, 2024

From the organizers: Subject Fields: Law and Legal History ASLH Early Career (Virtual) Legal History Workshop Deadline for Applications:  June 30, 2024 The American Society for Legal History (ASLH) is delighted to announce a new virtual initiative – the Early Career (Virtual) Legal History Workshop – designed to provide support and intellectual community to early … Continue reading Workshop: ASLH Early Career Virtual Workshop, June 30, 2024

Call for Papers: The XI Islamic Legal Studies Conference, University of Muenster, June 30, 2024

ISILS invites paper proposals for its eleventh Islamic Legal Studies conference, to be held at the University of Münster, 22-24 May 2025. The Third International Conference on Islamic Legal Studies, held at Harvard University Law School in May 2000, was devoted to the madhhab. 25 years later, we want to revisit this topic: what impact has the scholarly debate … Continue reading Call for Papers: The XI Islamic Legal Studies Conference, University of Muenster, June 30, 2024

Symposium: Knowledge in the Islamic Court: Evidence, Proof, Procedure Symposium – May 14-15, 2025 (Rabat, Morocco)

Please submit applications at this form by June 30 (including an abstract of maximum 300 words). Participants will be selected based on the following criteria: Relevance to the symposium theme. Novel contribution to the study of evidence, proof, and/or procedure in Islamic legal contexts.  Potential to address broader questions in Islamic and Islamic legal studies. … Continue reading Symposium: Knowledge in the Islamic Court: Evidence, Proof, Procedure Symposium – May 14-15, 2025 (Rabat, Morocco)

Prize: Best dissertation, Middle East Medievalists, June 30, 2024

Middle East Medievalists (MEM) is pleased to announce the 2024 iteration of its biennial prize for the best dissertation on the medieval Middle East (roughly 500–1500 CE). In an effort to recognize excellent doctoral research in the field, MEM will award this prize at the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), to be … Continue reading Prize: Best dissertation, Middle East Medievalists, June 30, 2024

Call for Papers: Law, colonialism and gender in the Muslim world, July 1, 2024 (Conference: December 19-20, 2024)

From the organizers: This conference aims to bring together scholars working on the legal history of the Muslim world who focus on the colonial period and are interested in ‘gender-coded law’ (i.e. all legal domains that automatically invoke connotations of gender). The conference will be held at the University of Amsterdam on December 19 and 20, … Continue reading Call for Papers: Law, colonialism and gender in the Muslim world, July 1, 2024 (Conference: December 19-20, 2024)

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