Johnson Program: The Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University, April 15, 2024

"The Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University is delighted to host the Wallace Johnson Program for First Book Authors, a program designed to provide support and mentorship to scholars working towards the publication of their first book on the law and legal culture of the early middle ages. In conversation with peers and with the … Continue reading Johnson Program: The Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University, April 15, 2024

Lecture: From Ownership to Partnership: Rethinking the Theory of Marriage in Islamic Law with Havva Guney-Ruebenacker, Harvard Law School, April 17, 2024 @ 12:15 – 1:15 PM

From the organizers: In this presentation, Havva Guney-Reubenacker will discuss her ongoing work on Islamic legal critiques that challenge the legitimacy of women’s inequality in Islamic law’s traditional theory of marriage. Event Overview Please join us for a presentation by Havva Guney-Ruebenacker, Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School, on the theory of marriage in Islamic … Continue reading Lecture: From Ownership to Partnership: Rethinking the Theory of Marriage in Islamic Law with Havva Guney-Ruebenacker, Harvard Law School, April 17, 2024 @ 12:15 – 1:15 PM

Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series: Blessed Aristocracies: Charismatic authority, rural elites, and historiography in Medieval Yemen (6th-9th/12th-15th c.), April 22, 2024

From Ekaterina Pukhovaia at the Leiden University (see here): Dear colleagues, I am pleased to announce that this spring Leiden University will host the first round of a series of online talks about Yemen. The series, running from January 2024 till June 2025 and sponsored by the Horizon-2020 Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions project EMStaD YEMEN, brings together experts … Continue reading Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series: Blessed Aristocracies: Charismatic authority, rural elites, and historiography in Medieval Yemen (6th-9th/12th-15th c.), April 22, 2024

MESA Scholarship: MESA Global Academy, 2024-2025, May 1, 2024

The MESA Global Academy offers competitive fellowships to Middle East Studies scholars from the MENA region, primarily those who are currently displaced in North America. Eligibility criteria for the fellowships include: 1) holding a PhD or equivalent in a field in the social sciences or humanities (graduate students will not be considered); 2) the primary … Continue reading MESA Scholarship: MESA Global Academy, 2024-2025, May 1, 2024

Call for Proposals: Symposium, 2025 Association of American Law Schools Meeting, May 6, 2024

From the organizers: General Guidelines for All Open Submission Proposals Programs may be proposed by full-time faculty members or administrators at AALS Member or Fee-Paid law schools. International faculty, visiting faculty (who do not retain a permanent affiliation at another law school), graduate students, and non-law school faculty are not eligible to submit proposals but … Continue reading Call for Proposals: Symposium, 2025 Association of American Law Schools Meeting, May 6, 2024

Islamic Law Speaker Series: “The Imam of the Christians: The World of Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, c. 750–850” with Philip Wood, Program in Islamic Law, May 14, 2024 @ 12:30 – 1:30 pm

On Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 12:30-1:30PM US EST via Zoom, Philip Wood (Aga Khan University) will give a book talk on The Imam of the Christians: The World of Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, c. 750–850 (Princeton University Press, 2021) as part of our Islamic Law Speaker Series. This book examines how Christian leaders adopted and adapted the political practices … Continue reading Islamic Law Speaker Series: “The Imam of the Christians: The World of Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, c. 750–850” with Philip Wood, Program in Islamic Law, May 14, 2024 @ 12:30 – 1:30 pm

Postdoctoral researcher position: University of Galway, May 16, 2024

BILQIS is a five-year (2023-2028) European Research Council Consolidator Grant. The PI is Professor Roja Fazaeli, Irish Centre for Human Rights, University of Galway. BILQIS investigates Muslim women’s access to justice in Europe by studying of how Muslim women in Europe have navigated questions of agency and authority from the long 19th century to the … Continue reading Postdoctoral researcher position: University of Galway, May 16, 2024

Conference: The 2024 Giorgio Levi Della Vida Award Presentation and Conference, May 16-17, 2024

The 2024 Giorgio Levi Della Vida Award presentation and conference will be held May 16–17, 2024 at UCLA. The award will be jointly presented to Michael Cook, Class of 1943 University Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, and Hossein Modarressi, Bayard Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, in recognition of their decades-long … Continue reading Conference: The 2024 Giorgio Levi Della Vida Award Presentation and Conference, May 16-17, 2024

International Course on Legal Pluralism: Commission on Legal Pluralism, May 20, 2024

"From 8-11 January 2025 the Commission on Legal Pluralism in collaboration with the Universitas Indonesia Law School will organize a course on Legal Pluralism in Jakarta, Indonesia about theories, knowledge and methodologies of legal pluralism. The purpose of the 4-day course is to familiarize the participants with the current international debates and insights on socio-legal … Continue reading International Course on Legal Pluralism: Commission on Legal Pluralism, May 20, 2024

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