In “A Secular Need: Islamic Law and State Governance in Contemporary India,”The University of Washington Press, Jeffrey A. Redding explores India’s non-state system of Muslim dispute resolution—known as the dar-ul-qaza system and commonly referred to as “Muslim courts” or “sharīʿa courts”—challenges conventional narratives about the inevitable opposition between Islamic law and secular forms of governance, demonstrating that Indian secular law and governance cannot work without the significant assistance of non-state Islamic legal actors.
Mark Fathi Massoud and Kathleen M. Moore investigate how some Muslims in the United States have made sense of sharīʿa in the context of Islamophobia, which has an unusual preoccupation with the law, in “Shari’a Consciousness: Law and Lived Religion among California Muslims,”Law & Social Inquiry.
In “Court as a Symbolic Resource: Indra Sawhney Case and the Dalit Muslim Mobilization,”Islamic Law & Law of the Muslim World eJournal, (a chapter of a book published by Cambridge University Press), M. Mohsin Alam Bhat analyzes the impact of the Indian Supreme Court’s watershed case on quotas for “backward classes,” the Indra Sawhneycase. It explores the role of the decision in the mobilization of Dalit Muslims, who have been excluded from the constitutionally mandated affirmative action regime for the erstwhile Untouchable or Dalit castes (“Scheduled Castes”).
Hee Yul Lee, Hyun-Ju Hwang, and Dong-Hwan Kim suggest countermeasures to reduce the damage of manufacturers in halal industries and highlight some of the most significant issues regarding halal supply chain management in “Issues of Halal Supply Chain Management: Suggestion for Korean Traders,”Islamic Law & Law of the Muslim World eJournal, (originally published in Journal of Korea Trade).