Ralph Grillo is Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Sussex where he was formerly Dean of the School of African and Asian Studies and founding director of the Research Centre for Culture, Development and the Environment. Although he has also written on the anthropology of development and the anthropology of language, he has had a long-standing concern with transnational migration and ethnicity in Africa and Europe (African Railwaymen: Solidarity and Opposition in an African Labour Force, Cambridge 1973; Ideologies and Institutions in Urban France: The Representation of Immigrants, Cambridge 19850, and co-edited special issues of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies on Transnational Islam, 2004, and Africa<>Europe, A Double Engagement, 2008. Since the mid-1990s he has focused on cultural diversity and its governance in France, Italy, and the UK (Pluralism and the Politics of Difference: State, Culture, and Ethnicity in Comparative Perspective, Oxford 1998; The Politics of Recognizing Difference: Multiculturalism Italian Style, co-editor, Ashgate 2002; The Family in Question: Immigrant and Ethnic Minorities in Multicultural Europe, editor, Amsterdam 2008).
Since 2007 he has been working with anthropologists, lawyers and political scientists on issues relating to cultural and religious diversity and the law in Europe and North America (Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity, co-editor, Ashgate 2009; co-editor with Marcel Maussen of Special Issue of Journal of Ethnic and Migrations Studies (40, 2). on The Regulation of Speech in Multicultural Societies). He has a particular interest in the ‘legal industry’ which has grown up around Islam, discussed in Muslim Families, Politics and the Law: A Legal Industry in Multicultural Britain (Ashgate, 2015).
Post History
Authored Works
- Islamic Law Scholarship Round Up: Oct 19th
- FEATURE :: Roundtable on Islamic Family Law in the UK: Akhter v. Khan (July 2018)
- Roundtable on Islamic Family Law in the UK :: Re-opening the Debate on the Law of Marriage as a Whole (Akhter v. Khan, July 2018)