- Leor Halevi‘s Modern Things on Trial: Islam’s Global and Material Reformation in the Age of Rida 1865-1935, Columbia University Press 2019, wins the J. Willard Hurst Book Prize.
- In “Ideology, Communication, and Response to Terrorism: A Sharia-based Perspective,” Islamic Law & Law of the Muslim World eJournal (originally published in the International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences), Isyaku Hassan argues that ideological response to terrorist organizations, such as the Islamic States of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) and Al-Qaida, could be successful through a genuine understanding of Sharia, especially if communicated effectively.
- Hadi Rashedi uses descriptive analytical methods to investigate development theories and social gaps in the context of Iran’s Mashrooteh revolution and modernization by Reza Khan in “A Study on the Role of the Social Cleavages Caused by Modernization in Political Instability in Iran (1941-1978),” Islamic Law & Law of the Muslim World eJournal.
- In “Muslim Women’s Rights Regarding Marriage and Divorce In the Context of the Islam Religion,” Islamic Law & Law of the Muslim World eJournal, Shaikh Ahmad offers insights into some of the core beliefs regarding Muslim women’s rights in two specific areas: marriage and divorce.