Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS “Sedigheh Vasmaghi, an Islamic scholar and religious researcher, has criticized Iran‘s use of archaic legal terms to issue death sentences for protesters. In a recent audio statement, … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "Following their reconsolidation of power in 2021, and despite public statements declaring their intent to uphold women’s rights in the country, the Taliban has employed the … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS As Iran is headed to snap elections following the death of its president, pundits have noted how the "Vali-e Faqih, or the watchman of Islamic … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Weekend Scholarship Roundup

SCHOLARSHIP ROUNDUP On Islamic Law In "Canonizing al-Furūq: Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qarāfī’s Text on Legal Maxims" (Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, June 7, 2024), Elias G. Saba (Grinnell College) discusses Shihāb … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "Iran’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, together with Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and other officials and crew were killed on Sunday when their helicopter crashed during bad … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS Malaysia's Minister of Religious Affairs, Datuk Mohd Na’im Mokhtar, recently stated that the teachings of the Ahmadi religion "go against . . . Islamic law." … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "An Iranian prisoner has had four of his fingers amputated after being accused of stealing five sheep from a farm owned by a member of … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "Five years ago, while [a Canadian] couple were living in Pakistan, a court granted [them] adoption rights under a Sharia law known as kafala. This … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "The United Nations said Thursday it was deeply concerned about recent arrests and detentions of women and girls by Afghanistan's Taliban authorities for alleged non-compliance … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "[T]he U.N. special envoy Roza Otunbayeva reportedly confirmed that 'anecdotal evidence' about [Afghan] girls being permitted to attend Islamic schools was mounting, [along with] worried … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup