- Following the beheading of Samuel Paty, a French teacher of civics, for showing caricatures of the Prophet in class during a discussion on French secularism or laicité, French teachers reported finding conversations around the issue to be increasingly difficult and volatile.
- Japanese Muslims expressed their frustration with the difficulty to find burial facilities and locations for their deceased, as cremation, forbidden in Islam, is popular and internment quite rare in the country.
- November 29, 2020 marked the tenth anniversary of when a federal judge threw out Oklahoma’s ban on “Sharia law.” The ban had sought, by way of an amendment to the Oklahoman Constitution, to enjoin judges from invoking Islamic law in their decisions, which a federal judge found expressed animus toward one particular religion over others, in violation of the Federal Constitution’s ban on establishing a state religion.
- Egypt‘s newly reconstituted Senate recently passed its bylaws and forwarded it to President Sisi for ratification. The bylaws are expected to regulate the Senate’s activities for the next five years.