By Cem Tecimer Citation: Noah Feldman, Imposed Constitutions and Established Religion 4(3) The Rev. Faith & Int’l Aff. 3-12 (2006) [Abridged version of Imposed Constitutionalism 37 Conn. L. Rev. 857-889 … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Imposed Constitutions and Established Religion
Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Imposed Constitutionalism
By Cem Tecimer Citation: Noah Feldman, Imposed Constitutionalism 37 Conn. L. Rev. 857-889 (2005) Summary: Written in response to his involvement in Iraq’s restructuring [though carefully mentioning that he had … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Imposed Constitutionalism