Weekend Scholarship Roundup

SCHOLARSHIP ROUNDUP On Islamic Law Our Editor-in-Chief Professor Intisar Rabb's (Harvard Law School) article, "Against Kadijustiz: On the Negative Citation of Foreign Law" (Suffolk University Law Review 48 (2015)) has … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "Military grocery stores need to provide more options to meet the needs of service members and families with religious dietary requirements, a pair of congressional lawmakers … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Weekend Scholarship Roundup

SCHOLARSHIP ROUNDUP On Islamic Law In "My Father, The Madrasah, and Me" (Zocalo Public Square, March 20, 2014), Ahmad Adedimeji Amobi reflects on his father and his own experience learning … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "Denmark’s parliament adopt[ed] a law making it illegal to burn the Quran or other religious texts." "Due to the Taliban’s intense interpretation of Islamic law … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS A Nigerian woman has been jailed for blasphemy for 18 months over WhatsApp message that criticized a mob action against another person accused of having … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS Asif Durrani, Pakistan’s special representative on Afghanistan, recently stated: "“They say it [i.e. restrictions on women's access to education] is Islamic. It is not Islamic. … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Weekend Scholarship Roundup

SCHOLARSHIP ROUNDUP On Islamic Law In Muslim Prisoner Litigation: An Unsung American Tradition (University of California Press, 2023), SpearIt (University of Pittsburgh School of Law) explores how, "Islamic principles of … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup

Weekend Scholarship Roundup

SCHOLARSHIP ROUNDUP On Islamic Law In "Celebrating Maimonides in Cairo (1935): Jewish historiography, Islamic philosophy and the nahḍa" (Contemporary Levant 2023), Lucia Admiraal (University of Groningen) "focuses on representations of … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "A United Nations expert [said] that the Taliban's treatment of Afghan women and girls could amount to gender apartheid as their rights continue to be … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Weekend Scholarship Roundup

SCHOLARSHIP ROUNDUP On Islamic Law In "Liberalism Versus Liberalism: An Analysis of Muslim-American Amicus Curiae Arguments Concerning Complicity-Based Conscience Claims" (Journal of Law and Religion 38, no. 2 (2023) (forthcoming)), … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup