Weekend Scholarship Roundup


On Islamic Law

On Islam and Data Science

  • In “Islamic Law and Community Economic Empowerment” (International Journal of Integrative Sciences 2, no. 3 (2023)), Samsuddin and others (Faculty of Sharia and Law, Institut Agama Islam As’adiyah Sengkang) find that “the Islamic economic system emphasizes the creation of equitable income distribution, not only to fulfill individual interests but also public interests.”
  • The recording of the 9th IDHN Conference from May 30, 2023 has been published on YouTube.

Scholar Updates


The Field Guide to Islamic Law Online is an ever-growing collection of links to hundreds of links to primary sources and archival collections around the world, online.We recently added new resources to this list:

  • Manuscripts of the Islamic World at Princeton University “offers a curated selection of extraordinary manuscripts hosted or held by Princeton University Library. The manuscripts are predominantly in Arabic, but there are also many in Persian and Ottoman Turkish. “
  • Religious Studies: Islam at the University of Regina is “[a] guide to library resources in religious studies.”


PIL & Harvard Calendar:

Global Calendar:

  • Internship opportunity: The Executive Office of the President, White House, various deadlines.
  • Position opening: Academic mentor and field researcher in Iraq, Cordoba Peace Institute-Geneva (CPI) & ETH Zurich, rolling basis.
  • Position opening: Academic mentor for researcher in Mogadishu, Cordoba Peace Institute-Geneva (CPI) & ETH Zurich.
  • Summer Program: Comparative Law, AALS, May 15-June 16, 2023.
  • Summer School: Philology and Manuscripts from the Muslim World, Leiden University, June 16, 2023.
  • Book talk: “Copyright in Islamic Law” by Dr. Mohamed Ali Ahdash, June 19, 2023.
  • MESA Malcolm H. Kerr Dissertation Awards, July 1, 2023.
  • Summer Course: Thinking with Islamicate Manuscripts: Critical Approaches to Historical Methodology, History of Collections, and Digital Tools In Islamic Studies, July 3-7, 2023, Central European University (application deadline: February 14, 2023).
  • Conference: Interdisciplinary Conference on Islamic Law in the Crucible of the Modern State: Problems and Perspectives, University of Muenster, Germany, July 10-12, 2023.
  • Wallace Johnson First Book Program, July 14, 2023.
  • Position opening: Assistant Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History, University of Tennessee, Fall 2022. Deadline: until an appointment is made.
  • Position opening: Columbia University, The Department of Art History and Archaeology Barbara Stoler Miller Assistant Professor, Indian and South Asian Art History. Deadline: until an appointment is made.
  • Position opening: Associate Director, Center for Religious and Spiritual Life and Muslim Chaplain, Macalester College.
  • MESA Undergraduate Education Award, August 1, 2023.
  • MESA Graduate Student Paper Prize, August 15, 2023.
  • Workshop: TraSIS (Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies) and the BCDSS (Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies) Murtensee, August 30, 2023 – September 1, 2023.
  • Call for Papers: Special Issue of Religions: “A Critique of the Modern Discourse of Maqāṣid,” September 15, 2023.
  • Fall 2023 Works-in-Progress Workshop: Comparative Constitutional Law in the Global South, Columbia Law School, October 20-21, 2023.
  • Position opening: Adjunct Lecturer in Modern Middle East, Babson College.
  • Call for Applications: Interdisciplinary Scholars of Places, Movement and Cultural Practices Professor, New York University Abu Dhabi. Deadline: until the position is filled.
  • Research Project: Historian/Researcher – Tudor Period/Elizabethan Era, and the Ottoman Empire during the Suleiman the Magnificent Period. Deadline: until the position is filled.
  • Call for Submissions: The UCLA School of Law’s Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law (JINEL).
  • Call for Manuscripts: Advances in the Study of Islam, Edinburgh University Press.
  • Request for Open Submissions: AALS 2023 Annual Meeting, January 4-7, 2023. Submission deadlines vary.
  • MEM Fellowship for Graduate Students of Color.
  • Scholarship: Islamic Scholarship Fund CAMBA Law Scholarship 2023.

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