By Christian Mauder This is part four in a series of four posts on legal culture at the late Mamlūk court. The governing elite of what is known as the … Continue reading A Sultan Becomes Caliph: Legal Knowledge and Late Mamlūk Political Thought
Enjoying the Law: Legal Riddling at the Mamlūk Court
By Christian Mauder This is part three in a series of four posts on legal culture at the late Mamlūk court. As the rulers of a vast realm in which … Continue reading Enjoying the Law: Legal Riddling at the Mamlūk Court
Studying Islamic Law in the Mamlūk Barracks
By Christian Mauder This is part two in a series of four posts on legal culture at the late Mamlūk court. As former slave soldiers (mamlūks) of non-Muslim origin, many … Continue reading Studying Islamic Law in the Mamlūk Barracks