On Islamic Law
- In “Fatwās on Jihād from Premodern Morocco” (Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā 31 (2024)), Jocelyn Hendrickson (University of Alberta) “provides an Arabic critical edition of one section of an important but unpublished source for the history of late fifteenth-century Morocco: al-Jawāhir al-mukhtāra fī-mā waqaftu ʿalayhi min al-nawāzil bi-Jibāl Ghumāra (Selected jewels: Legal cases I encountered in the Ghumāra Mountains) by the Mālikī jurist ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. al-Ḥasan al-Zayyātī (d. 1055/1645).”
- In “Islamic law and its application as penal code by the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS)” (Cogent Arts & Humanities 11, no. 1 (2024)), Jacky Li Chun-Leung (University of Malaya, Malaysia) and others “aim[] to clarify the application of Islamic law in the penal code implemented by ISIS.”
On Islam and Data Science
- In “Forced Marriage and Sex Trafficking under the Guise of Nikah Siri in Indonesia” (Studia Islamika 31, no. 2 (2024)), Zezen Zaenal Mutaqin (Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia) and Yayan Sopyan (Faculty of Sharia and Law, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia), using their “field research, interviews, and observation in the Puncak area” “seek[] to uncover the reasons why the practices of sex trafficking and forced marriage are tolerated and what has led to [its] approval.
The Field Guide to Islamic Law Online is an ever-growing collection of links to hundreds of links to primary sources and archival collections around the world, online.We recently added new resources to this list:
- The Eltaher Collection “consists of more than 2,000 items in various formats, including books, pamphlets, photographs, personal correspondence, and newspaper clippings among other documents. The majority of the collection is in Arabic, with some in English. The collection documents the history of the Arab world from 1912 to 1974, with a focus on the life of a well-known Palestinian Arab journalist and newspaper editor, Muhammad Ali Eltaher (1896-1974).”
PIL & Harvard Calendar:
- Call for Submissions: Journal of Islamic Law Special Issue, January 13, 2025.
- Islamic Law Speaker Series: “The Making of the Modern Muslim State: Islam and Governance in the Middle East and North Africa (Princeton University Press, 2024),” Malika Zeghal, Program in Islamic Law, February 11, 2025.
- Islamic Law Speaker Series: “The Genealogy of the Death Penalty for Apostasy and Blasphemy in Islam” by Mohsen Kadivar, Program in Islamic Law, March 11, 2025.
- Islamic Law Speaker Series: “A Cultural History of the Arabic Book: Digital Explorations of Writerly Practices and Text Reuse” by Sarah Savant, Program in Islamic Law, April 8, 2025.
- Conference: Law, colonialism and gender in the Muslim world, December 19-20, 2024.
- Hurst Summer Institute 2025, University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School, January 15, 2025.
- EUME Berliner Seminar: “The Politics of Choice: The 2003 Entry Law to Israel, the Phenomenology of Singlehood and Love Across Borders Among Palestinians” by Towibah Majdub, January 22, 2025.
- Fellowship: The University Center for Human Values in Law and Normative Thinking 2025-26, Princeton University, January 22, 2025.
- BRAIS Prize 2025: Call for Submissions, January 24, 2025.
- Call for Editors: Law & Society Review, 2025-2026, February 1, 2025.
- Call for Editors: Book Review Editor for Law & Society Review, 2025-2026, February 1, 2025.
- Writing Workshop: The American Institute for Maghrib Studies Graduate Student Writing Workshop, February 27-28, 2025 (Application deadline: January 3, 2025).
- Workshop: Annual Comparative Law Work-in-Progress Workshop, May 1-3, 2025 (Call for Papers deadline: February 5, 2024).
- Call for Papers: “ Islamic and Jewish Law in the Modern Economy,” University of Villanova School of Law, Villanova, Pennsylvania, May 5-6, 2025 (Abstract submission deadline: January 31, 2025).
- Conference: Eleventh Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies, Queen Mary University, UK, May 8-10, 2025 (Paper proposals: October 31, 2024; Panel proposals: November 30, 2024).
- LSA 2025 Annual Meeting: Chicago, Illinois from May 22-25, 2025 (Early registration: December 3, 2024; registration: January 3, 2025).
- Conference: Law, Culture, and Humanities 27th Annual Conference, Georgetown University, June 17-18, 2025 (Call for Papers deadline: January 31, 2025).
- Conference: The Middle Ages in the Modern World, London Strand Campus, King’s College London, June 24-26, 2025 (Call for Papers deadline: January 13, 2025).
- Conference: MESA 2025, Westin Downtown, Washington DC, November 22-25, 2025.
- Position opening: Senior Lecturer in Law, History, and Society, Vanderbilt University, 2025.
- Search for Editor: International Journal of Middle East Studies, until an appointment is made.
- Internship opportunity: The Executive Office of the President, White House, various deadlines.
- Position opening: Academic mentor and field researcher in Iraq, Cordoba Peace Institute-Geneva (CPI) & ETH Zurich, rolling basis.
- Position opening: Academic mentor for researcher in Mogadishu, Cordoba Peace Institute-Geneva (CPI) & ETH Zurich.
- Call for Papers: Special Section – Lifewriting Annual and Islam.
- Call for Manuscripts: Advances in the Study of Islam, Edinburgh University Press.