::Roundtable:: History of Islamic International Law: “Ottoman Empire and Eurocentric Law of Nations” by Cemil Aydin

Summarized by Cem Tecimer This post is part of the Roundtable on the History of Islamic International Law.  It is a summary of Cemil Aydin's contribution titled "Ottoman Empire and … Continue reading ::Roundtable:: History of Islamic International Law: “Ottoman Empire and Eurocentric Law of Nations” by Cemil Aydin

Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Law, Islam, and the Future of the Middle East

By Cem Tecimer Source: Noah Feldman, Law, Islam, and the Future of the Middle East 84 U. Det. Mercy L. Rev. 617-635 (2006-2007) Summary: In his invited lecture at the … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Law, Islam, and the Future of the Middle East

Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Imposed Constitutions and Established Religion

By Cem Tecimer Citation: Noah Feldman, Imposed Constitutions and Established Religion 4(3) The Rev. Faith & Int’l Aff. 3-12 (2006) [Abridged version of Imposed Constitutionalism 37 Conn. L. Rev. 857-889 … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Imposed Constitutions and Established Religion

Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Islamic Constitutionalism in Context: A Typology and a Warning

By Cem Tecimer Source: Noah Feldman, Islamic Constitutionalism in Context: A Typology and a Warning 7 U. St. Thomas L. J. 436-451 (2010) Summary: Feldman begins his article by explaining … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Islamic Constitutionalism in Context: A Typology and a Warning

Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Imposed Constitutionalism

By Cem Tecimer Citation: Noah Feldman, Imposed Constitutionalism 37 Conn. L. Rev. 857-889 (2005) Summary: Written in response to his involvement in Iraq’s restructuring [though carefully mentioning that he had … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Imposed Constitutionalism

Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on The Democratic Fatwa

By Cem Tecimer Citation: Noah Feldman, The Democratic Fatwa: Islam and Democracy in the Realm of Constitutional Politics 58(1) Okla. L. Rev. 1-9 (2005) Summary: ‘Ali Sistani, who was born … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on The Democratic Fatwa

Scholarship in “Plain English”: Joseph Lowry on the Legal Hermeneutics of al-Shāfi‘ī and Ibn Qutayba

By Cem Tecimer Abstract: Joseph Lowry on the Legal Hermeneutics of Two Early Islamic Scholars: In this article, Lowry responds to Calder’s assertion that Shāfi‘ī’s Risāla was written around the … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Joseph Lowry on the Legal Hermeneutics of al-Shāfi‘ī and Ibn Qutayba

Scholarship in “Plain English”: Joseph Lowry on Law and Commandment in Sūrat al-An‘ām

By Cem Tecimer Abstract: Joseph Lowry on Islamic Legal Minimalism: Lowry, in line with his other work focusing on how the Qur’ān does not read as a detailed legislative text, … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Joseph Lowry on Law and Commandment in Sūrat al-An‘ām

Scholarship in “Plain English”: Joseph Lowry on the First Islamic Legal Theory

By Cem Tecimer Abstract: Joseph Lowry argues that, much like other legal systems, Islamic legal systems, since their formative periods, grappled with the question of how to reconcile competing jurisprudential … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Joseph Lowry on the First Islamic Legal Theory

Scholarship in “Plain English”: Joseph Lowry on the Prophet as Lawgiver and Legal Authority

By Cem Tecimer Abstract: Joseph Lowry elaborates on the prophetic authority of Muhammad as a lawgiver. While the Qur’ān remains the undisputed ultimate source for Muslims, Lowry draws attention to … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Joseph Lowry on the Prophet as Lawgiver and Legal Authority