SCHOLARSHIP ROUNDUP On Islamic Law In "Legal Sanctions for Child Rape in Indonesia: A Comparative Study of National Law and Islamic Criminal Law" (Al Risalah: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Dan Hukum … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup
Weekend Scholarship Roundup
SCHOLARSHIP ROUNDUP On Islamic Law In "Dark Deeds, Broken Bodies: Medieval Islamic Narratives of Violence against Corpses" (Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā: The Journal of Middle East Medievalists 32), Taryn Marashi (Augsburg University) … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup
Islamic Law in the News Roundup
ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "Women in Afghanistan carried out a protest against the Taliban-led regime after they banned women from working for Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)." "Even before the Taliban … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup