ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS The Department of Justice announced that Stafford County, Virginia recently repealed an ordinance that prevented the development of a cemetery for people of the Islamic … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup
A Patchwork Pakistani: Gang Rape, Jurisdiction, and the Mukhtar Mai Case
By Nimra Azmi In 1999, Pakistan passed an amendment to the 1997 Anti-Terrorism Act.[1] This Amendment listed gang rape, child molestation, and robbery coupled with rape as terrorist acts under … Continue reading A Patchwork Pakistani: Gang Rape, Jurisdiction, and the Mukhtar Mai Case
The Protection of Women Act vs. the Hudood Ordinance: A Federal Shariat Court Challenge
By Nimra Azmi Pakistan’s 2006 Protection of Women Act (PWA) should have been a victory for progressive Pakistani forces, a definitive end to the 1979 Hudood Ordinances’ draconian reign over … Continue reading The Protection of Women Act vs. the Hudood Ordinance: A Federal Shariat Court Challenge
Rape & the Hudood Ordinance: A Lost Opportunity
By Nimra Azmi From 1979 until 2006, the Zina Ordinance, a subsection of the Hudood Ordinances, governed rape under Pakistani law.[1] The Hudood Ordinances were implemented during the rule of … Continue reading Rape & the Hudood Ordinance: A Lost Opportunity