Weekend Scholarship Roundup

SCHOLARSHIP ROUNDUP On Islamic Law In "Islam and Cults: A Study of the Implementation of the Fatwa Policy of the Indonesian Ulema Council" (Pharos Journal of Theology 105, no. 2 … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

ISLAMIC LAW IN THE NEWS "The head of Sharia police in northern Nigeria's Kano state announced his resignation on Friday after the governor accused his force of abusive raids and … Continue reading Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Weekend Scholarship Roundup

SCHOLARSHIP ROUNDUP On Islamic Law: In "The Judiciary and the Rule of Law in Afghanistan" (Judicature 105, no. 3 (2021)), Mehdi J. Hakimi (Stanford Law School) argues that, long before … Continue reading Weekend Scholarship Roundup