- “The Organization of Islamic Cooperation has suspended the status of Sweden’s special envoy over Quran burnings that sparked mass protests in a number of Muslim countries.”
- “Afghan women protesting a beauty salon ban say the Taliban used tasers, fire hoses and gun shots into the air to break up their demonstration.” For more content and context on the recent developments in Afghanistan, consult our Editor-in-Chief, Professor Intisar Rabb’s “Resource Roundup: Afghanistan, the Taliban, and Islamic Law.”
- Responding to international criticism against the Taliban‘s various bans on female education, a Taliban official recently stated: “The Islamic Emirate has not only not opposed modern education but even supports it—those fields which are not against Sharia law, because we want an Afghanistan to stand on its own feet, which needs engineers and doctors.”
- “Egypt’s Food Export Council held a seminar introducing local companies to halal certification requirements and their importance for increasing exports.”
- “The administrative building of prominent Iranian online retailer Digikala was closed by law enforcement officers on July 23 after images showing Digikala’s female employees without their mandatory hijabs circulated on social media, another sign of the government’s tighter regulation of the compulsory head-scarf law.”
- Some news outlets have reported that “Iranian authorities and the judiciary system have ramped up their confrontation against women who defy the obligatory Islamic hijab law by penalties including washing the bodies of the deceased in funeral centres and requiring women to obtain a mental health certificate from psychiatric hospitals.”
- Kenya‘s newly appointed Chief Kadhi Athman Abdulhalim Hussein stated that where there are irreconcilable differences between husband and wife, he will settle such cases by divorce instead of encouraging arbitration via elders, which is a procedure used in other, reconcilable marital disputes.
- “The Penang [Malaysia] Mufti has called for a thorough probe into several video footage being circulated on social media recently of a deviant Islamic sect,” adding that “anyone who believed that Prophet Muhammad was Allah had indeed left the religion of Islam and became an apostate, and could be sentenced to death according to Islamic law.” For more content and context on harsh interpretations and applications of Islamic criminal law, consult our Editor-in-Chief, Professor Intisar Rabb’s “Resource Roundup: Islamic Criminal Law.” For more news blurbs relating to harsh applications of Islamic criminal law, consult our “Islamic Criminal Law in the News Roundup.”
PIL & Harvard Calendar:
- Student work opportunity: Research assistant, Widener Library, Harvard University.
- Call for Papers: Middle East Beyond Borders – Fall 2023, August 18, 2023.
Global Calendar:
- Internship opportunity: The Executive Office of the President, White House, various deadlines.
- Position opening: Academic mentor and field researcher in Iraq, Cordoba Peace Institute-Geneva (CPI) & ETH Zurich, rolling basis.
- Position opening: Academic mentor for researcher in Mogadishu, Cordoba Peace Institute-Geneva (CPI) & ETH Zurich.
- Position opening: Assistant Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History, University of Tennessee, Fall 2022. Deadline: until an appointment is made.
- Position opening: Columbia University, The Department of Art History and Archaeology Barbara Stoler Miller Assistant Professor, Indian and South Asian Art History. Deadline: until an appointment is made.
- Position opening: Associate Director, Center for Religious and Spiritual Life and Muslim Chaplain, Macalester College.
- Position opening: Postdoc at the Center for Social Concerns and the Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion at the University of Notre Dame, July – September 2023. Deadline: until an appointment is made.
- Scholarship: Iranian Studies, ARMACAD, July 31, 2023.
- Position opening: Conservator at Fitzwilliam Museum, July 31, 2023.
- MESA Undergraduate Education Award, August 1, 2023.
- Clerkship: Nusrat Jahan Choudhury, Eastern District of New York, 2023-2024, 2024-2025, August 1, 2023.
- MESA Graduate Student Paper Prize, August 15, 2023.
- Position opening: The Department of Religious Studies, Michigan State University, August 16, 2023.
- Workshop: TraSIS (Trajectories of Slavery in Islamicate Societies) and the BCDSS (Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies) Murtensee, August 30, 2023 – September 1, 2023.
- Call for Abstracts: Comparative Law Perspectives on the Future of Constitutional Government in the Global World Order, AALS, September 1, 2023.
- Travel Grant: MESA 2023, September 1, 2023.
- Call for Papers: Legislation & Law of the Political Process, AALS, September 5, 2023.
- Call for Papers: Special Issue of Religions: “A Critique of the Modern Discourse of Maqāṣid,” September 15, 2023.
- Call for Papers: Islamic Law & Constitutionalism, AALS Annual Meeting, September 15, 2023.
- Position opening: Assistant Professor in Southeast Asian history, Brown University, October 2, 2023.
- Fall 2023 Works-in-Progress Workshop: Comparative Constitutional Law in the Global South, Columbia Law School, October 20-21, 2023.
- Prize: Nominations for the Mark Tushnet Prize in Comparative Law, AALS, November 30, 2023.
- Position opening: Adjunct Lecturer in Modern Middle East, Babson College.
- Call for Applications: Interdisciplinary Scholars of Places, Movement and Cultural Practices Professor, New York University Abu Dhabi. Deadline: until the position is filled.
- Research Project: Historian/Researcher – Tudor Period/Elizabethan Era, and the Ottoman Empire during the Suleiman the Magnificent Period. Deadline: until the position is filled.
- Call for Submissions: The UCLA School of Law’s Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law (JINEL).
- Call for Manuscripts: Advances in the Study of Islam, Edinburgh University Press.
- Request for Open Submissions: AALS 2023 Annual Meeting, January 4-7, 2023. Submission deadlines vary.
- Position opening: Postdoctoral opportunity in History of Islam/Arabic Studies, Leiden University, February 1, 2024.
- MEM Fellowship for Graduate Students of Color.
- Scholarship: Islamic Scholarship Fund CAMBA Law Scholarship 2023.