Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Law, Islam, and the Future of the Middle East

By Cem Tecimer Source: Noah Feldman, Law, Islam, and the Future of the Middle East 84 U. Det. Mercy L. Rev. 617-635 (2006-2007) Summary: In his invited lecture at the … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on Law, Islam, and the Future of the Middle East

Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on The Democratic Fatwa

By Cem Tecimer Citation: Noah Feldman, The Democratic Fatwa: Islam and Democracy in the Realm of Constitutional Politics 58(1) Okla. L. Rev. 1-9 (2005) Summary: ‘Ali Sistani, who was born … Continue reading Scholarship in “Plain English”: Noah Feldman on The Democratic Fatwa

Wilāyat al-Faqīh and Collecting the Fifth: A Theory of Khums

By Mohammad Sagha The issue this paper seeks to address is how Ayatollāh Sayyīd Rūhullāh Khumaynī (d. 1386 sh./1989) conceptualized the collection of khums under the theory of the “Guardianship … Continue reading Wilāyat al-Faqīh and Collecting the Fifth: A Theory of Khums

Authority and Khums in the Absence of the Imām: Reflections of Two Safavid-era Jurists

By Mohammad Sagha This post examines how two Ṣafavid-era jurists, Ḥussayn b. ʽAbd al-Ṣamad al-ʽĀmilī (d. 985/1577-8),[1] and Muḥammad Bāqir Majlisī (d. 1111/1698) conceptualized the authority to collect and spend … Continue reading Authority and Khums in the Absence of the Imām: Reflections of Two Safavid-era Jurists

Judicial Authority and Roots of Twelver Shīʽī Tax Theory

By Mohammad Sagha The main question this study addresses is: how can the delegation of authority within the Shīʽī* community after the Minor Occultation of the Twelfth Imām in 260/874 … Continue reading Judicial Authority and Roots of Twelver Shīʽī Tax Theory