Thank you, Mehdi Berriah, for joining us as guest blog editor in September. In case you missed Prof. Berriah's essays on the financing of jihād in the Mamlūk era, here … Continue reading Thank you, Mehdi Berriah!
A Lack of Resources in the bayt al-māl: A Sine Qua Non Condition for the Imposition of a Tax?
By Mehdi Berriah This is part four in a series of four posts on the financing of jihād during the Mamlūk period. As noted by Ibrāhīm b. ʿAlī al-Hanafī al-Ṭarsūsī, the … Continue reading A Lack of Resources in the bayt al-māl: A Sine Qua Non Condition for the Imposition of a Tax?
The Sharīʿa on the Financing of Jihād
By Mehdi Berriah This is part three in a series of four posts on the financing of jihād during the Mamlūk period. In the cases presented in the sources discussed in … Continue reading The Sharīʿa on the Financing of Jihād
Episodes in which the ʿUlamāʾ, according to Islamic Law, were Opposed to the Tax
By Mehdi Berriah This is part two in a series of four posts on the financing of jihād during the Mamlūk period. First Episode The first episode took place in dhū-l-qaʿda 657/November … Continue reading Episodes in which the ʿUlamāʾ, according to Islamic Law, were Opposed to the Tax
The Issue of Financing Jihād in Islamic Law: Three Case Studies from the Mamlūk Period
By Mehdi Berriah This is part one in a series of four posts on the financing of jihād during the Mamlūk period. While the spirit and laws of jihād have … Continue reading The Issue of Financing Jihād in Islamic Law: Three Case Studies from the Mamlūk Period