Islamic Law in the News Roundup

“Denmark’s parliament adopt[ed] a law making it illegal to burn the Quran or other religious texts.” “Due to the Taliban’s intense interpretation of Islamic law that led to bans on women in universities, some Afghan women have turned to online learning.” For more content and context on the recent developments in Afghanistan, consult our Editor-in-Chief, Professor… CONTINUE READING

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

A Nigerian woman has been jailed for blasphemy for 18 months over WhatsApp message that criticized a mob action against another person accused of having blasphemed. The morality police in Northern Nigeria has been reported to use “soft techniques” to curb online celebrities’ social media presence which the police view as indecent, one such technique… CONTINUE READING

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

“Speaking at a gathering held in the Academy of Science of Afghanistan, head of the Darul Iftah (a decision-making entity within the Supreme Court), Azizullah Mutaheri, said that the implementation of Sharia Hudod has its certain conditions.” For more content and context on the recent developments in Afghanistan, consult our Editor-in-Chief, Professor Intisar Rabb’s “Resource Roundup:… CONTINUE READING

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Asif Durrani, Pakistan’s special representative on Afghanistan, recently stated: ““They say it [i.e. restrictions on women’s access to education] is Islamic. It is not Islamic. It may be the [Afghan] tribal or cultural [practice], but it is not Islamic.” For more content and context on the recent developments in Afghanistan, consult our Editor-in-Chief, Professor Intisar… CONTINUE READING

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

In her opening remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the International Conference on Women in Islam, the United Nations Deputy Secretary General Amina J. Mohammed stated: “Islam clearly calls on us to end all discriminatory laws and practices that hinder access to education.” “Just weeks after UAE changed its laws to permit surrogacy in the country,… CONTINUE READING

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

Police in Nigeria arrested 76 people alleged to have attended a same-sex marriage ceremony prohibited by the country’s laws. A regional police officer declined to comment whether charges would be brought against the attendees under Islamic law or federal law. Boston University recently announced the opening of “The Halal Shack” in its food court. School… CONTINUE READING

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

A number of fourteen Baha’i members were convicted to time in prison by an Iranian court because of “propaganda efforts against Islamic Sharia.” Indonesia recently hosted the 10th Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival, the largest business exhibition in the country. “Al-Azhar International Center for Electronic Fatwa (Islamic decisions) launched a special section for issuing fatwas in… CONTINUE READING

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

“The Supreme Court [of India] [is set to] examine a 2021 ruling of the Kerala High Court affirming a Muslim woman’s right to pronounce extrajudicial divorce by way of ‘khula.'” “The development of Islamic banking in the Philippines aims to benefit all Filipinos,” the central bank of the Philippines recently stated. The Federal Court in… CONTINUE READING

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

The Taliban have arrested around 200 people suspected of engaging in witchcraft and sorcery, which the Taliban have stated “violate Islamic law by using amulets and spells that claim to cure impotency and diseases.” “Countries including, UAE, Australia, Japan, Spain, Chile, along with 75 other member states and observers have asked the Taliban to respect… CONTINUE READING

Islamic Law in the News Roundup

A bill aimed to enforce mandatory hijab laws more strictly passed through the Iranian legislature and is pending before the Guardian Council. Clerics and jurists in Iran have been considering using artificial intelligence in issuing fatwās, on which one scholar commented that while AI could not replace scholars, it could still help to expedite the… CONTINUE READING